Balancing Equipment

Balance beam/laminated Robinia beam 0-52100-300


Technical data
Area: 0,12 x 3,20 m
Minimum space: 3,15 x 6,20 m (18 m²)
Total height: 0,35 m
Weight: 45 kg as a whole

– balancing beam from laminated Robinia timber Ø 120 mm
– metal components: stainless steel

Foundations (on site)
2 pcs. 0,40 x 0,40 x 0,40 m
concrete amount: 0,13 m³

Approximate assembly values
– pre-assembled unit –

Free height of fall
0,35 m

Appropriate for
children from the age of 3 years up,
public playgrounds etc.,
physical activity

For more information please contact us