Technical data
Area: 0,45 x 1,30 m
Minimum space: Ø 4,80 m (18 m²)
Height: 0,72 m
Radius of action: Ø 0,76 m
Play area: Ø 2,00 m minimum
Ground: soft (beach) sand
Weight: 35 kg as a whole
Stainless steel structure with self-lubricating roller and friction bearings
Seat: high pressure laminate 20 mm
Seat back: stainless steel tube
Foundation (on site):
1 pc. 0,30 x 0,30 x 0,40 m
concrete amount: 0,04 m³
Approximate assembly value
delivery as a completely mounted unit
Free height of fall
0,40 m
Appropriate for
children from the age of 3 years up,
public playgrounds etc.,
manual activity