Robinia Benches

Bench 0-60280-000

Technical data
Area: 0,75 x 1,80 m
Height of seat: 0,42 m
Weight: 60 kg as a whole

– stainless steel substructure with sturdy base plates for dowelling (fastening material is not included with delivery) or for fastening with ground anchors (on site)
At extra charge, there are appropriate ground anchors (item no. 1140052).
– wooden slats: Robinia 45 x 100 mm, planed, milled and free from decay

Robinia timber is furnished with water-repellent, breathable protective coating. Besides protection from moisture, that treatment reduces crack formation.

Metal components: stainless steel

Approximate assembly values
– delivery as a whole –

Appropriate for
all ages,
public playgrounds etc.

For more information please contact us