
Flyerbars Wings 0-57604-900

Deep Black

Standpfosten RAL 2002 Blutorange

Technical data
Space occupied by equipment: 1,91 x 1,91 x 1,46 m
Minimum space: 4,92 x 4,92 x 1,46 m
Impact area: 22 m²
Total height: 1,46 m
Height of horizontal bars: 1,40/1,45 m
Free height of fall: 1,40 m
Weight: 20 kg heaviest single piece
80 kg as a whole

Flyerbars Wings
Posts from stainless steel tube Ø 114,3 x 3 mm
Horizontal bars from stainless steel tube Ø 38 x 5 mm

This product is certified in accordance with the requirements of EN 16630 (“Permanently installed outdoor fitness equipment”).
Fitness equipment of this type is not intended for installation on or in the immediate vicinity of children’s playgrounds in accordance with the EN 1176 series of standards.

Foundations (on site)
4 pcs. 0,50 x 0,50 x 0,60 m
concrete amount: 0,6 m³

Approximate assembly values
2 mechanics 0,5 hours each
(without creating foundations)

Appropriate for
young people and adults with a minimum body height of 1,40 m
physical activity

For more information please contact us