1. Application documents:

For a quick processing of your application, please send us your complete application documents by email or in written form. The following information should be included:

a) Individual cover letter

For which job are you applying?
What qualifies you for this job in our company?
What interests you in our company and products?

b) Tabular curriculum vitae

We are interested in what field of activity, where and how long you have been working.

c) Certificates and qualifications

Job references, additional qualifications, assessments that match the advertisement or the desired job.

d) Other information

Salary expectations, earliest possible start of work.
Please provide us with your complete contact details.

2. File format / File size

Ideally, you should attach your application documents as a bundle in one document in the formats .doc, .pdf and .jpg. Please note that other file types may not be opened and that a maximum of three documents should be attached. We ask for your understanding that only complete applications with the above-mentioned attachments will be considered in the applicant selection process. Together, your documents should not exceed 8 MB email size.

3. Application possibilities

Application by email 

You can apply for one of the advertised positions by email to the following address:

Application by mail

Please send your documents to:

Kaiser & Kühne leisure equipment GmbH
HR Department
In Südloh 5
27324 Eystrup

4. Speculative applications

We are always interested in qualified employees. Take the opportunity to introduce yourself and get to know us better. Simply apply INITIATIVELY with your complete application documents. We are curious about you!

5. Application deadlines

Unsolicited applications:

You can send us unsolicited applications all year round.

Applications for open positions:

If we have not set a deadline for your application, you can apply for the position as long as it is available online on our website. As soon as a position is filled, we will remove the job posting from our job offer.

Applications for an internship:

Please apply about 3 months before the desired start of your internship.

Applications for a training position:

The closing date for applications for an apprenticeship is 30.04. of the respective year in which the apprenticeship is to begin at the latest. The training usually starts in August of the respective year.

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