Corporate policy

  • Innovation through experience
    At the time the company was founded, the three founders already had many years of experience in the development, production and distribution of play and leisure equipment. The company is engaged in the development, production & distribution of playground equipment and large playgrounds for the play and leisure sector, especially for cities and municipalities, kindergartens and schools as well as amusement parks.
  • Development of the company
    Our goal is to further expand and strengthen our leading position in the field of playground equipment and large playgrounds. This is to be achieved by the constant further development of our products, as well as the continuous alignment of technology to the needs and requirements demanded by the market.
  • Know-how and Quality
    K&K primarily uses stainless steel, robinia plywood, and high-quality laminates. The necessary skilled workers are continuously trained and educated in order to meet the constantly growing quality requirements of our customers to their full satisfaction. The commitment to continuous improvement is one of our highest priorities.
  • Motivation and promotion of employees
    Kaiser und Kühne Freizeitgeräte GmbH promotes the independent and environmentally conscious actions of its employees through practical suggestions and information.
  • Environmentally friendly plant operation
    Kaiser und Kühne Freizeitgeräte GmbH avoids accidents and disruptions to operations by taking precautionary measures to protect employees from health hazards and avoid harmful environmental effects.
  • Environmental information on products
    Kaiser und Kühne Freizeitgeräte GmbH advises customers on the environmental aspects of the products, their handling and use.
  • Social and ethical standards
    We attach particular importance to compliance with social ethical standards.

Social Management Statement

Kaiser & Kühne Freizeitgeräte GmbH acts sustainably – for over 30 years now

Since Kaiser & Kühne Freizeitgeräte GmbH has been a successful medium-sized company for over 30 years, we attach great importance to the preservation of jobs.

General ethical principles in corporate management and procurement policy have become increasingly important in recent years. A development that we take very seriously. The responsible use of raw materials has been a major concern of our company since its foundation. Instead of short-term orientation of our company exclusively on quarterly sales and profit figures, without regard to people and nature, we consciously focus on our social and ecological responsibility as a building block of long-term economic success. Our relationship with employees, suppliers and customers is characterized by esteem, respect and responsibility. Our actions are based on sustainability in a generational thinking. We take our social responsibility seriously. Our core requirements are described below.

Social responsibility in the procurement of raw materials

The basis of our products are high-quality raw materials that meet our strict quality standards. It is very important to us to work towards good labor, social and environmental standards in our supply chain, which extends to various regions of the world. The objective of Kaiser & Kühne Freizeitgeräte GmbH is to ensure that the standards that are considered responsible and ethically correct can be found throughout the entire supply chain. The following principles are important to us:

  • The right of freedom of association and collective bargaining
    Kaiser & Kühne Freizeitgeräte GmbH ensures that employees can openly discuss working conditions with the company management without having to fear any disadvantages. We have an active works council and respect the right of employees to join together, to join a trade union, to appoint a representative and to be elected to one.
  • No discrimination
    We do not allow to discriminate, exclude or favour persons on the basis of gender, age, religion, birth, social background, disability, ethnic origin, nationality, membership in workers’ organisations, political membership or opinion, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, marital status or any other situation that may result in discrimination. In particular, workers must not be subjected to harassment or disciplinary action on the above grounds. We deliberately employ employees from different countries, including those with a migration background. The right to complain for each employee and the company’s obligation to investigate any complaint is a matter of course for us.
  • Adequate remuneration
    The wages and social benefits paid to employees are in compliance with applicable laws and binding collective agreements. Wages are paid on time, regularly and in full, thus enabling employees and their families to live in dignity. The level of wages reflects the qualifications and educational level of the employees and relates to regular working hours. We comply with the currently valid rates according to the Minimum Wages Act (MiLoG), as amended.
  • Reasonable working hours
    The working hours comply with the applicable laws. There is a right to rest every working day and to at least one day off every seven days; usually there are two days off per week. If overtime is voluntary, it is permitted in exceptional cases if it does not represent a significantly higher probability of occupational risks.
  • Occupational health and safety
    Employees are guaranteed safe and healthy working conditions. Young employees, pregnant women and young mothers are particularly in need of protection. Systems are in place to identify, assess, combat and prevent potential hazards (e.g. handling of hazardous substances). There is an occupational safety committee that meets regularly and discusses all important or current problems. Measures are taken to prevent injuries, accidents and illnesses that are related to or occur in the course of work and to reduce the risks. In cooperation with the employees, the company management, with the help of an occupational safety specialist, implements measures to ensure a safe and healthy working environment. Every employee has access to free personal protective equipment. Employees receive occupational health care and are examined by the company physician upon entering the company. Employees can contact the company physician at any time and have themselves examined. There is compulsory insurance in case of accidents. There is access to clean drinking water and safe and clean dining, break and sanitary areas.
  • No child labor
    We expressly reject and prohibit the use of child labor in the entire value chain. By “inadmissible child labor” we mean the inadmissible forms of child labor described in the Geneva Convention No. 182 of 19.11.2000 of the International Labor Organization (ILO).—ed_norm/—normes/documents/normativeinstrument/wcms_c182_de.htm
    We also understand this to include activities which pose a mental, physical, social or moral danger or harm to children and which conflict with their educational needs. The applicable national laws on compulsory education are followed. We undertake not to employ, directly or indirectly, children under the legal minimum age of 15 years.
  • Special protection for young workers
    We do not have any permanently employed young people under the age of 18. Young people from the age of 16 are allowed to work with us for a short time as part of a vacation job. Young people from 12 years of age may do an internship of up to 2 weeks as part of their school education. Young people do not carry out any activities with us that endanger their health, safety, morale and development. They do not perform night work and their working hours do not interfere with participation in vocational training programs.
  • No precarious employment
    We do not tolerate precarious working conditions (normal jobs are turning into more and more temporary, fixed-term or mini-jobs, and from these more and more often precarious employment results: too little pay, no social security, uncertain future, no affiliation). Before entering into employment, workers receive comprehensible information about their rights, duties and working conditions (working hours, remuneration, areas of responsibility, etc.). The employment relationship is documented and enables the employee to secure his or her existence.
  • No forced labor
    Neither forced laborers nor workers who are otherwise subject to pressure are used. It is ensured that workers are not subjected to inhuman or degrading treatment, corporal punishment, physical or psychological coercion and/or verbal punishment. Employees have the right to leave their jobs and to terminate their employment with notice to the employer. In the event of disciplinary action, such action must be documented in writing and presented orally in a clear and understandable manner.
  • Environmental protection and sustainability
    The company management supports and promotes sustainable and responsible operating and manufacturing methods. Adverse effects on the community, natural resources and the environment are thereby minimized. Procedures for the use and handling of energy resources, wastewater treatment and waste management comply with legal requirements. Our company attaches great importance to the responsible use of raw materials and the environment. We take great care that all products are produced under ecological aspects and that the environment is not polluted by harmful waste water or exhaust air. It is also important to us to work as energy-saving as possible.
  • Business integrity and ethical business practices
    The company’s management and employees must not use unfair methods. This includes all forms of corruption, extortion, embezzlement and bribery. In connection with this policy, it is not permitted to solicit or accept gifts or benefits, or to grant undue advantage to any other person. No agreements are made that lead to a restriction of free competition. Information about the activities, structure and performance of the company is disclosed correctly. The company does not engage in any deceptive practices in the supply chain. Personal data of employees, business partners, customers and consumers will be treated with reasonable care in accordance with the applicable legal requirements regarding data protection.

Quality Policy


Through quality – more fun playing

This guiding principle is an obligation and challenge for us. The company Kaiser & Kühne Freizeitgeräte has a long tradition of manufacturing high-quality and durable play equipment. Our vision is to give children a maximum of playing fun with the best possible safety. Many ideas and improvements are the result of observations on our company’s own playground or suggestions from our employees, who themselves have children or even grandchildren. We want to encourage the individual creativity of the children and thus contribute to the best possible development. The next generations are the future of all of us.

The high quality of our products shall be ensured by implementing the following principles:

  • Every single employee has responsibility for quality and contributes to the good quality of our products through concentrated and conscious work.
  • Our employees adhere to company regulations and process instructions with common sense. Hereby we would like to encourage all employees to actively participate in the implementation and compliance with the regulations. Nevertheless, human error can always occur. It is therefore of utmost importance that every error is reported and that its effects are kept to a minimum. Every employee is obliged to minimize damages.
  • Our employees master the work processes and pass on their experience to their colleagues. Especially the passing on of experience is an important step. Not all relevant information is available in written form for reading. Much of it exists only in the minds of long-standing employees and cannot be assumed for new colleagues.
  • Our employees should ask questions and make suggestions for improvement. Even if it often seems obvious or impracticable from another point of view, we want to seriously address it.
  • The company commits itself to train the employees in the relevant areas.
  • The company always has an “open ear” for the worries and needs of the employees, even if these are of a private nature. If the employee is too preoccupied with problems, this can have a negative effect on the quality of his work performance.
  • The management supports the implementation of the quality policy to ensure that our products are safe and comply with legal regulations and internal guidelines. Customer satisfaction is one of the main focuses of our company policy.
  • Only together we can continuously improve and as a company we can permanently exist on the market.

Policy statement on environmental protection

In our company, Kaiser & Kühne Freizeitgeräte GmbH, environmental protection is an important part of our corporate policy. We are aware that our activities influence the environment. We see it as our duty to reduce the impact on the environment to the possible minimum within the scope of our economic and technical possibilities by means of well thought-out processes. In order to adequately meet our responsibility in dealing with the environment and resources, we have established environmental guidelines, see “UMW-02-01-V1 Environmental Policy + Environmental Guidelines”. Based on our joint responsibility towards man and the environment, we have set ourselves the goal of reconciling profitable production and environmental precautions by improving environmental performance and avoiding or reducing environmental pollution wherever this is technically and organizationally possible and economically viable. In doing so, it is a matter of course for us to comply with the legal, official regulations and other environmental interests as well as the requirements we have set ourselves for environmental protection. We therefore regard the legal and official requirements as a minimum. We endeavour to reduce or completely avoid the influence on the environment and other interested parties as far as possible.

Every employee is involved in our environmental management system and has the right and duty to work towards eliminating circumstances that cause unnecessary environmental pollution. By means of information and training, we promote environmentally conscious behavior of our employees inside and outside the company. The continuous improvement of our environmental performance is a medium and long-term prerequisite and an important contribution to the protection of the environment. A trouble-free organization, modern management methods and the current state of environmental technology provide the necessary framework for this. Managers are obliged to apply the management practices applicable in their area of responsibility, to constantly monitor their effectiveness and to adapt them to the latest knowledge and requirements. Our company operates and implements an environmental management system based on the identified normative, legal and internal requirements/specifications, maintains it and constantly improves its effectiveness.

By means of this declaration, the management obliges all employees to carry out their activities in accordance with the descriptions of this policy statement and the subsequent work instructions in order to ensure that the environmental specifications meet the specified and self-imposed requirements and the expectations of the company.

Environmental Policy

Environmental protection is an important part of the corporate policy of Kaiser & Kühne Freizeitgeräte GmbH and is directed at all employees in all areas, with the aim of continuously improving corporate environmental protection and environmental performance. This goal is achieved by the economical use of all resources, the measurable reduction of emissions, e.g. consumption of water, electricity, gas, etc.

All employees are required to observe the following environmental guidelines of the company in their daily work. They also have the duty to point out recognized dangers, but also the right to eliminate potential dangers. In this way, all employees cooperate equally responsibly in the daily implementation of environmental protection measures. The company and all its employees are committed to protecting the environment and preventing avoidable environmental pollution. The protection of the environment is considered a binding obligation. The same applies to the continuous improvement of the environmental management system to increase environmental performance.

Environmental guidelines

  • Our company has set itself the goal of continuously improving environmental protection and ensures the implementation of these guidelines by establishing an environmental management system.
  • The inclusion of environmental considerations and the development of a sound environmental awareness in daily work is a matter of course for all employees.
  • Our company promotes the environmental awareness of its employees. Appropriate use of resources and the separation of waste, for example, is a recurring theme.
  • Strict compliance with environmental laws and regulations, future-oriented actions such as the avoidance of waste and environmentally harmful emissions, or reducing them to a minimum, is very important to us.
  • The collection of environmental data (consumption of water, electricity, gas, paper and fuel of the company vehicles) should be the basis for a comprehensive control and possible saving of energy and resources. As a result, the CO2 emissions of the company are determined.
  • Environmental effects with regard to use and disposal are taken into account during procurement.
  • With the voluntary planned introduction of the environmental management system according to DIN EN ISO 14001, our company is strengthening its efforts for effective and sustainable environmental protection.

The company provides all necessary means to fulfill our environmental guidelines and to enforce our environmental policy.




Made in Germany

The company Kaiser & Kühne Freizeitgeräte GmbH was founded in March 1988, initially based in Drakenburg, near Nienburg/Weser. In 1993 the company headquarters was moved to Eystrup/Weser as part of the expansion and the associated new factory building.

The company is engaged in the development and production of playground equipment and large playgrounds for the play and leisure sector, especially for cities and municipalities, kindergartens and schools as well as for amusement parks.

In the planning and design of large playgrounds and towers, we draw on many years of experience gained from the realization of numerous projects in Germany and abroad.

Our towers represent impressive attractions in any playground landscape. They are individually designed according to your ideas – our program leaves nothing to be desired.

5 years

  • Swing Axles
  • Carousel bearing
  • All remaining parts, as long as no wearing part

30 years

  • Breakage and rotting of the robinia wood / robinia plywood posts with pipe stand
  • All parts made of stainless steel (e.g. material quality 1.4301)
  • All parts made of hot-dip galvanized steel


Kaiser & Kühne supplies wood products that are certified according to the FSC® standards. The FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council) is a non-profit organization that promotes the environmentally friendly and socially responsible use of our forests. Products bearing the FSC® label contain wood from responsible sources. The forests are certified according to the FSC® guidelines.

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